Meet Dr. Kevin McGrew, PHD
IQ McGrew:
Dr. Kevin McGrew is the Director of the Institute for Applied Psychometrics (IAP). He received a master’s degree in School Psychology at Minnesota State University Moorhead (previously known as Moorhead State University) and his doctoral degree in Educational Psychology at the University of Minnesota. He was a practicing school psychologist for 12 years. He spent 10 years as a Professor of Applied Psychology at St. Cloud State University.
Dr. McGrew conducts research in the areas of theories of human intelligence, personal competence, intelligence testing, non-cognitive (conative) variables related to school learning, and the application of neurotechnology to cognitive performance and learning. He has published over 100 different peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters. He has authored or coauthored four books on intelligence test interpretation. He is a coauthor of both the Woodcock-Johnson Battery III, the Woodcock-Johnson Battery IV, and is the senior author for the forthcomiing Woodcock-Johnson Battery V (Q1, 2025). Detailed information can be found at the MindHub™ Director page. Dr. McGrew disseminates information regarding human intelligence and the human brain clock at two professional blogs (IQs Corner; Brain Clock Blog).
In the News
Creativity Post: An Educational Psychologist Who Goes Beyond IQ (same as Psych Today)
Carrers in Psychology: A Psychometrician
Wall Street Journal Law Blog: Errors in Supreme Court Justice Alito's death penalty dissent
Wall Street Journal: Why Testing Gray Matter is Sometimes a Gray Area (2016)
More on McGrew
Flying high from the Kawarau Bungy Bridge outside of Queenstown, New Zealand, 1997
The MindHub™
MindHub™ is an internet portal that organizes cutting edge information and resources focused on measuring and improving the performance of the human mind and other domains of personal competence. MindHub™ represents a strategic partnership between the Institute for Applied Psychometrics (IAP) and Interactive Metronome®
MindHub™ organizes all web-content related to the goals and objectives of IAP’s Director, Dr. Kevin McGrew. These include research and activities in the area of theories of human intelligence, intelligence test development and interpretation, cognitive and academic performance, personal competencies, and brain-clock based neurotechnologies. Gateways to MindHub™ strategic alliances are also featured.