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Speaking &  Workshops

"If a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, where is the man who has so much as to be out of danger"

- T. H. Huxley

Dr. Kevin McGrew is a frequently requested speaker for national and international presentations or workshops related to his areas of interest.  Contact us via the MindHub™ Contact information section for possible speaking engagements and topics. 

Below is a select list of prior example  presentation or workshop topics.

Intelligence Theory and Testing

  • Beyond IQ:  The Cognitive-Affective-Motivation Model of Learning (CAMML)
  • The report of cognitive testing's death has been greatly exaggerated
  • An oveview of the WJ V cognitive tests
  • Overview of the Woodcock-Johnson Battery IV

  • The WJ IV and beyond CHC theory:  Implications for assessment

  • Can a technical manual be your friend?  Data-driven test interpretation

  • An advanced overview of the WJ IV and CHC theory

  • Evolution and revolution in cognitive assessment:  Beyond CHC and the WJ IV

  • What we've learned from 20 years of CHC COG-ACH research: Implications for SLD assessment

  • Linking CHC abilities to achievement

  • Cattell-Horn-Carroll intelligence testing: What have we learned in 20+ years?

  • Intelligent insights on intelligence tests: What I’ve learned from 45+ years of IQ testing, development and research

  • The art and science of intelligence test development: Theory, tools, tips and troubles

  • The Flynn Effect in Atkins death penalty MR/ID cases: To adjust or not to adjust?  That is the question

  • Advanced interpretation of the Woodcock-Johnson IV

  • Innovations in intellectual assessment: Back to the future

  • An integration of theories of multiple intelligences within a model of personal competence: The big picture

  • CHC theory and assessment:  Best practices and what we've learned the past 20+ years


  • The brain clock: An overview of contemporary research and theory regarding the neuroscience of brain-based interval timing and its relevance to learning and rehabilitation
  • The IM Effect: What is happening under the hood?
  • Improving timing and rhythm and the effects on academic achievement
  • How will neuro-technology change learning, intelligence and the treatment of learning disorders in the future


  • Purpose, passion and serendiptiy:  What I’ve learned since leaving graduate school
  • NCLB and expectations for students with disabilities: Increasing the chance of No Child Being Left Behind.  Beyond cognitive and achievement abilities
  • Cognitive abilities/disabilities role in establishing academic expectations: A lesson from Forrest Gump regarding expectations for students with cognitive disabilities