Special Reports and Publications
"Knowledge is a process of piling up facts; wisdom lies in their simplification"
-Harold Fabing and Ray Marr
IAP’s and the MindHub™ emphasis on bridging the gap between psychological theory/research and practice is reflected in a variety of knowledge dissemination activities. These activities are in the form of free information via multiple formats and media. All resources are available for either on-line viewing or can be downloaded to your hard drive.
Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) Theory of Intelligence
- CHC periodic table of cognitive elements (v2.5; 8-18-18)
- CHC theory definitions (v2.5; 8-18-18)
- Key CHC theory articles
- Internal and external factorial extensions to the Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) theory of cognitive abilities: A review of factor analytic research since Carroll's seminal 1993 treatise. (PDF)
- CHC theory timeline (7-15-09) (PDF)
- The evolution of psychometric theories of intelligence from Spearman’s g to contemporary CHC: With special analysis and commentary on the 2010 AAIDD ID/MR intelligence theory gap (SlideShare PPT)
- CHC abilities and academic achievement research synthesis(PDF)
- Supplemental resources (Mind Map)
- Implications of 20 years of CHC cognitive-achievement research: Back to and beyond CHC theory (PPT)
- What we've learned from 20 years of CHC cognitive-achievement research: Back to the future and beyond CHC (PDF manuscript)
- A proposed revision to the CHC model (v2.3): Has Glr been incorrectly conceptualized since 1997? (PPT and PDF)
Testing and Assessment
- The Woodcock-Johnson--Fourth Edition (WJ IV) Battery (all WJ IV related posts at IQ's Corner blog)
- The Woodcock-Johnson--Fourth Edition (WJ IV) Battery (SlideShare PPTs via IQ's Corner blog)
- The Woodcock-Johnson--Fourth Edition (WJ IV) Battery Evolving Web of Knowledge (Mind Map)
- The Woodcock-Johnson-Third Edition (WJ III) Battery Evolving Web of Knowledge (Mind Map; 10-24-08)
- WJ III Battery test descriptions and CHC ability classificaitons (PDF)
- Woodcock-Johnson—Third Edition (WJ III) Assessessment Service Bulletins—Riverside Publishing (PDF)
- Cross-Sectional Growth Curves for the Individual Tests for the WJ III Cognitive and Achievement Batteries (PDF)
- Withinin-CHC Domain Comparisons of the WJ III Cognitive and Achievement Test Growth Curves (PDF)
- A Broad Cognitive Ability--Bilingual Scale for the WJ-R Tests of Cognitive Ability and the Bateria Woodcock- Munoz: Preubas de habilidad cognitiva--Revised (PDF)
- Dr. Woodcock’s evolution of cognitive assessment (SlideShare PPT)
- Beyond the CHC “tipping point”—Back to the future (SlideShare PPT)
- CHC cognitive and achievement relations research synthesis
- What we’ve learned from 20 years of research (SlideShare PPT)
- CHC referral-focused (branching tree) selective assessment scenarios (SlideShare PPT)
- Within and cross-battery Wechsler “class reuninion” factor analysis explanation (SlideShare PPT)
- The Wechslers Anonymous 12-step program (SlideShare PPT)
- The Measurement of reading achievement by different individually administered standardized reading rests: Apples and apples, or apples and oranges? (PDF)
- New directions in neuropsychological assessment: Augmenting neuropsychological assessment with CHC cognitive measures (SlideShare PPT)
- The WMF Human Cognitive Abilities Project On-line SlideShare PPT presentation
- Implications of 20 years of CHC cognitive-achievement research: Back to and beyond CHC theory (PPT)
- What we've learned from 20 years of CHC cognitive-achievement research: Back to the future and beyond CHC (PDF manuscript)
Beyond IQ: The Model of Academic Competence and Motivation
- Beyond IQ: A model of academic competence and motivation (MACM) (Mind Map). This is a summary of the original formative MACM model developed between 2004 and 2008. The most up-to-date MACM model can be found in the Beyond IQ topic under Special Projects menu
- A lesson from Forrest Gump regarding expectations for students with cognitive disabilities (SlideShare PPT)
- Expectations for students with cognitive disabilities (NCEO PDF report)
- The need to believe in the ability of disability (Coauthored Creativity Blog post with S. B. Kaufman)
- The Motivation & Academic Competence (MACM Commitment Pathway to Learning Model: Crossing The Rubicon to Learning Action (MindHub Pub #1 - PDF report)
- An updated "big picture" overview (Beyond Cognitive Abilities: An Integrative Model of Learning-related Personal Competencies and Aptitude Trait Complexes) is now available at IQs Corner
- The most up-to-date explanation of the MACM model, in the context of the Cognitive-Affective-Motivation Model of Learning (CAMML) can be found in the followinge article.
McGrew, K. S. (2022). The Cognitive-Affective-Motivation Model of Learning (CAMML). Standing on the shoulders of giants. Canadian Journal of School Psychology, 37(1), 117-134
Applied Psychometrics 101 (AP101) Report Series
- AP101 #1: Understanding IQ score differences (PDF)
- AP101 #2: What does the WAIS-IV measure?(PDF)
- AP101 #3: MDS of the WJ III and CHC model implications(PDF)
- AP101 #4: Cluster analysis of WJ III: Theory and test interp implications(PDF)
- On-line SlideShare PPT presentation
- IAP101 #9: Why the ASVAB should not be used in the determination of a diagnosis of MR/ID (PDF)
- AP101 #10: "Just say no" to averaging IQ subtest scores (PDF)
- AP101 #11: Time to stop executing the mental retarded--The case for applying the standard error of measurement (PDF)
- AP101 #12: CHC narrow ability assessment with the WJ III Battery (PDF)
- AP101 #13: Problems with the 1960 & 1984 Stanford-Binet IQ scores in Atkins MR/ID death penalty cases (PDF)
Applied Psychometrics 101 (AP101) Briefs Series
- AP101 Brief #1: g or not to g (Web page)
- AP101 Brief #2: IQ test battery descriptive comparison information (Web page)
- AP101 Brief #6: Understanding score differences on the Wechsler IQ batteries: CHC evolution of the FS IQ's (Web page)
- AP101 Brief #8: Independent CFA of the WAIS-IV (Web page)
- AP 101 Brief #9. The problem with the 1/1.5 SD SS (15/22) subtest difference rule-of-thumb (web page)
- AP 101 Brief #10: Understanding IQ score differences--Examiner error (Web page)
- IAP AP101 Brief #11: What is the typical IQ and adaptive behavior correlation? (Web page)
- AP101 Brief # 13: CHC-consistent aptitude clusters: Back to the future (Weg page)
- AP101 Brief #15: Cognitive-Aptitude-Achievement Trait Complex Analysis: Implications for SLD Assessment and Dx
- AP101 Brief # 16: Beyond CHC: Within-CHC domain complexity-optimized measure
Applied Test Development Series (SlideShare PPT)
The Applied Test Development Series is a sequence of on-line SlideShare Power Point modules describing the development of psychological tests in the domain of cognitive ability using contemporary applied psychometrics methods such as theory-driven test specification, IRT-Rasch scaling, norming, etc. The presentations are conceptual and not statistical in nature.
- Part A: Planning, development frameworks & domain/test specification blueprints
- Part B: Test and tem development
- Part C: Use of Rasch technology
- Part D: Develop norm (standardization) plan
- Part E: Calculate norms and derived scores
- Part F: Psychometric/technical and statistical analysis: Internal
- Part G: Psychometric/technical and statistical analysis: External
- An overview of contemporary research and theory regarding the neuroscience of brain-based interval timing and its relevance to learning and rehabilitation (SlideSharePPT)
- The synchronized metronome tapping (SMT) effect: Preliminary thoughts on “what’s happening under the hood” (SlideShare PPT)
- IAP Research Report No. 9: The efficacy of rhythm-based (mental timing) treatments with subjects with a variety of clinical disorders: A brief review of theoretical, diagnostic, and treatment research (PDF).
- The Brain Clock Evolving Web of Knowledge (EWOK) (Mind Map)
- I think..therefore IM (PPT presentation; Interactive Metronome conference keynote, Oct, 2012, San Antonio, TX)
- I think..therefore IM (Edited YouTube video of Interactive Metronome conference keynote, Oct, 2012, San Antonio, TX)
- MindHub Pub # 2: The Science Behind Interactive Metronome: An Integration of Brain Clock, Temporal Processing, Brain Network, and Neurocognitve Research and Theory (March, 4, 2013)
Time Travels with the Time Doc
Trip1: Quieting the busy mind (March 21, 2012)
MindHub Pubs
MindHub Pub #1: The Motivation & Academic Competence (MACM) Commitment Pathway to Learning Model: Crossing the Rubicon to Learning Action (Feb 23, 2013)
MindHub Pub # 2: The Science Behind Interactive Metronome: An Integration of Brain Clock, Temporal Processing, Brain Network, and Neurocognitive Research and Theory (March, 4, 2013)
MindHub Pub # 3: WJ IV Norm-Based and Supplemental Clinical Test Groupings for "Intelligent" Intelligence Testing with the WJ IV. (March, 16, 2018)