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Special Reports and Publications

"Knowledge is a process of piling up facts; wisdom lies in their simplification"

-Harold Fabing and Ray Marr

IAP’s and the MindHub™ emphasis on bridging the gap between psychological theory/research and practice is reflected in a variety of knowledge dissemination activities. These activities are in the form of free information via multiple formats and media.  All resources are available for either on-line viewing or can be downloaded to your hard drive.

Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) Theory of Intelligence


Testing and Assessment


Beyond IQ:  The Model of Academic Competence and Motivation


McGrew, K. S. (2022).  The Cognitive-Affective-Motivation Model of Learning (CAMML). Standing on the shoulders of giants.  Canadian Journal of School Psychology, 37(1), 117-134


Applied Psychometrics 101 (AP101) Report Series


Applied Psychometrics 101 (AP101) Briefs Series



The Applied Test Development Series is a sequence of on-line SlideShare Power Point modules describing the development of psychological tests in the domain of cognitive ability using contemporary applied psychometrics methods such as theory-driven test specification, IRT-Rasch scaling, norming, etc.  The presentations are conceptual and not statistical in nature.




Time Travels with the Time Doc

 Trip1: Quieting the busy mind (March 21, 2012) timetravel1


MindHub Pubsmindhubpub

MindHub Pub #1:  The Motivation & Academic Competence (MACM) Commitment Pathway to Learning Model: Crossing the Rubicon to Learning Action  (Feb 23, 2013)

MindHub Pub # 2:  The Science Behind Interactive Metronome: An Integration of Brain Clock, Temporal Processing, Brain Network, and Neurocognitive Research and Theory (March, 4, 2013)

MindHub Pub # 3:  WJ IV Norm-Based and Supplemental Clinical Test Groupings for "Intelligent" Intelligence Testing with the WJ IV. (March, 16, 2018)